Tiffany is a Principal Research Fellow and works across the BiB family of projects and European collaborations including the LifeCycle and Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation (ATHLETE) consortiums, which seek to harmonize and expand the reach of cohort data and collaboration. She leads the BiB Healthy Places team which includes ATHLETE and studies such as the BiB Breathes project evaluating the health impact of the Bradford Clean Air Plan and the INGENIOUS project which will characterize indoor air pollution and the influences of household behaviors and their impacts on health. Tiffany is also involved in the NIHR Yorkshire and Humber Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) and the quasi-experimental evaluation workstream of ActEarly. She has a background in nutritional sciences, completing her PhD, MPH, and RD at the University of Michigan School of Public Health where her research focused on exposures to environmental endocrine-disrupting compounds and child growth and obesity. She is interested in environmental influences on health and specifically in the areas of diet, nutrition, and obesity, evaluation of public health interventions, and collaborations to enhance the use and impact of cohort data.
We are exposed to multiple things in our daily lives which can impact on our health, from air pollution and green spaces, to chemicals used to personal care products and...
LifeCycle brings 150,000 parent-child pairs from 19 cohorts into a new, harmonized, and sustainable EU Child Cohort Network to identify of novel markers of early-life stressors affecting cardiometabolic, respiratory, and...
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