Be part of shaping the next ARC for Yorkshire and Humber


We are pleased to announce the release of our consultation document outlining initial proposals for the next Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Yorkshire and Humber. This document represents the first step in an open dialogue about our region’s health research priorities.

As we plan for the future of ARC Yorkshire and Humber, we are committed to ensuring our research themes and focus areas truly reflect the needs of our communities. The consultation document presents preliminary ideas and directions, but these are not set in stone – they are starting points for discussion.

We actively encourage input from healthcare professionals, researchers, community organisations, and members of the public. Your feedback will be instrumental in refining our research themes and helping us identify the most pressing health challenges facing our region.

The document is available for review and comment below. We welcome all perspectives and ideas, as we believe the strongest research programmes emerge from diverse voices and collaborative planning.

This is your opportunity to influence the direction of health research in Yorkshire and Humber. Together, we can ensure our future research priorities align with real community needs and create meaningful impact across the region.

Your input matters. Help us shape a research agenda that serves all our communities.

Please email feedback to, by Friday 20th December 2024.

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