Our Board

The YH ARC Strategy Board has several objectives including providing advice and support on research priorities and strategy to enable the successful implementation of the YH ARC. The board has oversight of the governance and management structure of YH ARC and of the performance of YH ARC against its objectives to ensure that tangible outcomes are being delivered.

Sarah Jones (Chair)

Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust

Cath Roff

Project Director: Adult Social Care Transformation; Leeds City Council

Susan Hampshaw

NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) Doncaster

James Thomas

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Sarah Dew

South Yorkshire Integrated Care System

Becky Bibby

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Kathy Scott

Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber

Alistair Hall

Clinical Research Network Yorkshire and Humber

Jason Stamp

Voluntary and community sector

Peter O’Brien

Yorkshire Universities

Ruby Bhatti OBE DL

PPIE representative

Joyce Fox

PPIE representative