Promoting Positive Adolescent Mental Health (PPAMH!)


What is PPAMH!?

PPAMH! is a pilot study of a whole school intervention for positive school climate. It stands for Promoting Positive Adolescent Mental Health for school climate.

A positive ‘school climate’ can be defined as having supportive relationships among school community members, a sense of belonging to school, a participative school environment, and student commitment to academic values.

Secondary schools receiving the intervention will benefit from a dedicated PPAMH! wellbeing practitioner leading the whole-school, peer group and 1-2-1 activities.

Why are we interested in this?

This intervention has been successful in other countries in reducing bullying and feelings of depression by promoting a positive school climate.

It was also picked as a research priority area by young people in Bradford.

What does it involve?

Six Age of Wonder schools will take part. From the six schools, three will be randomly chosen to receive the intervention and the other three will act as controls.

Schools receiving the intervention will benefit from a dedicated PPAMH! wellbeing practitioner leading the whole-school, peer group and 1-2-1 activities.

Schools in the control group will not be asked to do anything further, but they are very important to us as we are able to compare them to schools who have received the intervention to see if it is working!

As the schools are already part of Age of Wonder and they contribute so much to data collection, no additional data is needed from the students.

What’s different about PPAMH!?

The young people are the ones in control! For school it is the pupils who pick the topics they are most interested in to support their wellbeing. This may be mental health, money management, social media awareness or learning more about vaping.

Contact us for more information:



Sub-theme: Youth Mental Health

Currently Underway

Team Contact:

Research Fellow

Research Associate

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