Mark Mon Williams

Director - Centre for Applied Education Research

Professor Mark Mon-Williams (MMW) holds a Chair in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Leeds, and is Professor of Psychology at the Bradford Institute of Health Research and Professor of Paediatric Vision at The Norwegian Centre for Vision. MMW leads the Centre of Applied Education Research (a partnership between the Universities of Leeds and Bradford together with the Department for Education, the Education Endowment Foundation, and the Bradford Local Authority) – a multidisciplinary Centre based at the Bradford Royal Infirmary.

MMW held post-doctoral fellowships at the Universities of Edinburgh and Queensland before taking up his first faculty position at the University of St Andrews in 1999. In 2002 he moved to the University of Aberdeen where his laboratories received funding from a large number of grant awarding bodies. He was appointed to a personal Chair at the University of Leeds in January 2009 and was Head of the School of Psychology from 2011-2014. MMW leads a research group that use their fundamental scientific contributions to address applied issues within surgery, rehabilitation and childhood development. MMW has responsibility for ensuring societal impact arises from research conducted within the University of Leeds’ Faculty of Medicine and Health. His research is funded by the EPSRC, EEF, MRC and ESRC.

MMW is a Founder Member of the Priestley Academy Trust (a multiple academy trust that includes the world’s first school to provide free meals to children), and sits on the Bradford Opportunity Area partnership board.

Mark Mon Williams's latest projects

Child of the North and Centre for Young Lives (COTN/CfYL): A country that works for all children and young people

This report series, produced by the Child of the North and Centre for Young Lives, outlines practical, evidence-based methods in which the government can reset its vision for children and...

CAER: Centre for Applied Education Research

The Centre for Applied Education Research (CAER) is committed to improving educational outcomes for children and young people (CYP) through the power of science. There is overwhelming evidence that improving...

Webinar series: bringing together health professionals and school leaders

The webinar series has served as a reliable and accessible source of information for schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The themes have ranged around social media, COVID-19 scientific advice for...

Other Team members

Sunil Bhopal

Theme Co-Lead

Kate Morton

Research Fellow

Sarah Blower

Principal Research Fellow