ARC Yorkshire and Humber Launches New Lunch and Learn Series

The Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Yorkshire and Humber has announced a series of Lunch and Learn events starting this November. The online events will feature expert speakers sharing the latest research, impact, insights and advancements in their fields. Kicking off the series on November 8th, Professor Anne-Maree Keenan, Associate Dean at the NIHR Academy, will […]

Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) National Health Economics Research Showcase Event

Hosted at the University of Sheffield on the 14th March 2023 by the NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber in partnership with ARC Greater Manchester, this national event brought together over 45 delegates. The event was an opportunity for partners to learn more about the research ARC Health Economists are conducting across England and its impact […]

How NIHR ARCs rose to the challenge of COVID-19

A national publication highlighting how National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs) rose to the challenge of COVID-19 launches today, the third anniversary of the first UK lockdown. Vital work from across the ARCs in response to the pandemic is showcased in NIHR ARCs: Supporting the fight against COVID-19 (PDF), including […]

New International Collaborative – Ageing Research Trialists (ART) Steering Committee

Professor Andrew Clegg (Theme Lead for Older People with Frailty, Yorkshire and Humber ARC) is the Chair of the Ageing Research Trialists (ART) Steering Committee. Established as part of Yorkshire and Humber ARC, this international collaborative brings together trialists with a common focus on transforming care for older people across nations. The team will support […]

North inequalities cost UK economy £7.3bn over first year of the pandemic

COVID-19 has had a major impact on everyone’s lives across the UK. However, a new report has found that northerners were affected more severely by the pandemic. People in the North were more likely to die from COVID-19, spent nearly a month and-a-half more in lockdowns, suffered worse mental health and were made poorer than […]

Bradford and Craven Innovation Hub – Improvement Academy supporting leaders to implement innovations that will improve outcomes locally

Bradford District and Craven has been selected by the Health Foundation to be one of four Innovation Hubs. The project will involve all NHS organisations across the Bradford District and Craven ‘place’ including, the local authority working alongside the Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly; Healthwatch Bradford; Bradford Institute of Health Research; Yorkshire & Humber Academic […]