New publication shows interventions aimed at improving asthma treatment adherence could lead to significant health benefits and cost savings for the NHS

New research published by NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, Yorkshire Humber (YH ARC), in collaboration with Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber and Mid-Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, has revealed that improving medication adherence in asthma patients could lead to significant health benefits and cost savings for the NHS. The research was carried out by Dacheng Huo and […]
Co-producing nature-based interventions to support positive health outcomes in working age adults at Foss Park Hospital.

Despite strong evidence on the role of nature in supporting positive mental health outcomes, a variety of challenges and barriers exist for people with severe mental illness in accessing nature-based interventions. This co-production study aims to explore the potential use of nature-based interventions to enhance quality of care and promote health outcomes in the short […]
Urgent Care Theme Celebrating Double PHD Success

We are delighted to announce that Charlotte Cotterill and Katie Zwerger have both successfully passed their PhD vivas, marking significant achievements in their academic careers. Both researchers have now joined our team as Research Associates, with Katie taking on the additional role of Knowledge Mobilisation Champion. Dr Katie Zwerger: Understanding Dementia Care and Safety Katie […]
Success for YH ARC PhD student, Fei Liu

Congratulations to Fei Lui who passed her PhD viva in January. Fei is based at the Centre for Health Economics (CHE), The University of York. Her research focused on self-funding for social care and informal care provision and its impact on the social distribution of health, supervised by Professor Laura Bojke (The University of York) and Dr Matthew […]
NEW PUBLICATION: Is emergency doctors’ tolerance of clinical uncertainty on a novel measure associated with doctor well-being, healthcare resource use and patient outcomes?

A recent study funded by ARC Yorkshire & Humber has revealed that emergency physicians who better tolerate clinical uncertainty experience significantly better mental well-being and lower burnout rates, though the impact on patient outcomes remains unclear.
Research for Real Life Podcast- NHS Data: All You Need to Know | Part 1

In this new BIHR podcast episode, Professor Mark Mon-Williams and Selame Neguisse explores how your NHS data stored and accessed within the NHS.
Research for Real Life Podcast- Hidden Dangers at Home: all you need to know about Indoor Air Pollution

In the new “Research for real life” episode our guests and experts uncover the hidden dangers of indoor air pollution and its connection to climate change.
NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber research leader awarded prestigious NIHR award

We are delighted to announce that Professor Andrew Clegg, Older People Theme Lead at NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire and Humber, has been awarded a prestigious NIHR Research Professorship to improve the lives of older people. The award, which includes funding of up to £2 million over five years, recognises Professor Clegg’s exceptional contribution to […]
Care home app reduced residents’ hospital admissions

New NIHR evidence summary published featuring NIHR ARC Yorkshire & Humber Urgent Care theme’s Health Call app evaluation.
New Podcast: The knowledge mobilisation experts with 40 years experience discuss ‘mindlines’ and their approach

Check out another Knowledge mobilisation (KM) themed Essential Implementation Podcast where two KM experts with 40 years experience discuss their approach With a mix of extensive backgrounds in medicine, nursing, academia, public health, knowledge use, and health services research between them, Professors John Gabbay and Andree Lemay share their experiences and challenges faced in their […]