Lunch & Learn – Quantitative evidence synthesis – why we do it, what methods are available and what do the results mean



13th November 2024

12:30 pm

– 1:30 pm


Guest Speaker

Laura Bojke, Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Quantitative evidence synthesis allows us to combine results from several studies to determine an overall effect estimate or other outcome of interest. Combining results from several studies has several advantages, including increased precision and ability to explore subgroups. This presentation explores the rationale for quantitative evidence synthesis, what techniques are available to analysts and their data requirements, and how we utilise their results.

Examples from health technology assessment and public health evaluations will be used to illustrate the methods. This will also include a recap on effect estimates that can be derived from experimental and non-experimental studies.

There will be plenty of time for discussion at the end so come along with any questions that you have about quantitative evidence synthesis, and I will try to answer them!

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