Bradford Institute for Health Research (BIHR) launched its first podcast on Mental Health Awareness Day, as part of Age of Wonder’s Adolescent Mental Health Collaboratory Project, supported by NIHR ARC Yorkshire & Humber (YH ARC). This podcast is part of a series and features research expert Ruth Wadman, from YH ARC’s Mental Health theme, and youth voices Ayra Hussain and Subhan Asif. They discuss key mental health topics including the importance of youth involvement in mental health interventions. Other topics in the series will include depression, self-harm, anxiety, sleep deprivation, ADHD, and loneliness.
Mental health series are co-produced with the youth through Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE). The series draws on lived experiences, co-produced workshops, and community involvement. Episodes will be shared monthly on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and TikTok.
The podcast will also cover broader BIHR’s and YH ARC topics and projects such as Born in Bradford, Secure Data Environments, Air pollution and so much more. By co-designing and co-producing our work with local people, we aim to raise awareness of excellent local research and make the public active partners in driving positive, local health change.
To find out more information on BIHR’s podcasts please contact the producers:
Jabu Phiri –,
Dasha –
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