Charlene Colegate

Discrimination and severe mental illness in the perinatal period

Charli joined the Department of Sociological Studies in 2021, having previously worked for Wellcome and The Health Foundation. Charli studied for her MSc in Medical Humanities at King’s College London. Prior to this completing an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences at St Georges, University of London.
Charli’s master’s thesis used visual methods to critique the construction of gender in public health campaigns targeting alcohol consumption. Her doctoral work seeks to understand more about the perinatal experiences of women with a history of severe mental illness.

Charlene Colegate's latest projects

Discrimination and severe mental illness in the perinatal period

Jointly funded by Yorkshire & Humber ARC and NIHR School for Public Health Research, this projectis investigating inequalities in care for women at high risk of developing severe perinatal mental...

Other Team members

Kate Morton

Research Fellow

Sarah Blower

Principal Research Fellow

Mallory Morehead

Research Fellow