Fiona Noble

No need(le) to worry: Development and feasibility study of a self-help cognitive behavioural therapy resource for children with needle fear

Dr Noble graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2012. Following this she completed her dental foundation training in South West Wales, before undertaking further core training in Scotland in Paediatrics, Orthodontics, Primary Care and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She continued her studies during this time, achieving membership of the faculty of dental surgeons and a postgraduate certificate in medical education before taking up post as an Academic Clinical Fellow and Specialist Registrar in Paediatric Dentistry in Sheffield in 2017.

She continues her interest in both postgraduate and undergraduate teaching, and has cultivated a keen interest in research – particularly around needle fear in childhood. She recently obtained her Masters in Clinical Research from the University of Sheffield.

Fiona Noble's latest projects

No need(le) to worry

No need(le) to worry is seeking to address needle fear in childhood and adolescence which affects around 50% of children and adolescents worldwide, and can have wide reaching impacts. A...

Other Team members

Sunil Bhopal

Theme Co-Lead

Kate Morton

Research Fellow

Sarah Blower

Principal Research Fellow