Ragy Tadrous

Development and testing of a prioritised intervention to build resilience and independence for older people living with frailty

I am currently completing a White Rose Network funded PhD in the Department for Ageing and Stroke Research in the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences developing an intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults aged ≥75 years.
I graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a First-Class Honours degree in Physiotherapy, after which I undertook a Research Masters which profiled the physical performance of people with narcolepsy. I was awarded a White Rose Network Scholarship from the University of Leeds and University of York to develop an intervention to reduce frailty in older adults.
I have a keen interest in mixed-methods research and throughout my PhD I have undertaken several studies including:
• A mixed-method review of the literature relating to interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults.
• A co-production study informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework and Behavioural Change Wheel to develop an intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults aged ≥75.
• A mixed-method pilot study which explored the delivery of the co-produced intervention.
My PhD has explored intervention development with populations of older adults that are underrepresented in sedentary behaviour research (i.e. adults aged ≥75).
In 2022, I was appointed to the Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (YCEDE) Scholars Board, which help improve diversity, and inclusion in doctoral education for BAME students. I am also acting as PGR Representative for the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences

Ragy Tadrous's latest projects

Reducing Prolonged Sitting in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Aged ≥75 years.

Prolonged sitting is associated with several detrimental health outcomes such as heart disease, obesity, and poorer mental and physical wellbeing. Older adults are the fastest growing and most sedentary group...

Other Team members

Emmanuel Nwofe

Research Associate

Lin Gong

Research Fellow

Amirah Akhtar

Research Associate