DRAGON – Digital Resources and Going Online


DRAGON is evaluating how to best support people with Severe Mental Ill-Health (SMI) to complete the Learn My Way digital skills courses, which are free online courses for beginners to develop skills to connect and be safe online.

Given the inequalities already experienced by people with SMI, any additional inequalities created by digital exclusion could have serious implications for their health and wellbeing. As health and other services make increasing use of digital resources, it is vital that people with SMI develop digital skills to retain access to them. People with SMI are often isolated and lack confidence in their ability to learn new skills, so need tailored support. Participants digital skills and confidence are assessed at the start and end of completing the Learn My Way course within recovery colleges with a tutor. Feedback is also gathered from participants and course tutors about their experiences of the course.



Sub-theme: Bridging the digital divide

Currently Underway

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