GP drop-in clinics at Family Hubs


Our team are supporting Hull City Council to evaluate a new GP drop-in clinic at a Family Hub.

The clinic is available to all families attending certain play sessions at the Family Hub, and offers a flexible, weekly drop-in clinic for families to seek holistic support for any health concerns. The drop-in clinic is with the same GP each week and all consultations are in-person with no appointments needed.

We have engaged in capacity building to support a local NHS Graduate Management trainee to collect and analyse qualitative data, and knowledge exchange with the GP and public health consultant to support the collection of meaningful evidence about the service which can potentially be used to justify further funding. This has enabled the project team to conduct a service evaluation involving interviews with parents and practitioners to explore experiences of the drop-in clinic, questionnaires to measure trust, and demographic and clinical data to help understand who is using the service and how. Our next steps are to explore barriers and facilitators to scaling this approach and feasibility of an effectiveness evaluation.


Sub-theme: Best Start

Currently Underway

Team Contact:

Kate Morton (

Principal Research Fellow

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