Mental Health Implementation Network Project 1: Community engagement systems for people from ethnic minority communities to improve access to mental health care.


Funded by the NIHR ARC Mental Health Implementation Network, we are evaluating the adoption of the NHS’s first national anti-racism framework, the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) using an implementation science approach.

As system transformation, PCREF seeks to address long-standing inequalities in reported access, experience, and outcomes of mental healthcare among Black, Brown, and other minority populations, that is made ‘real on the ground’ through the equal collaboration and participation with racialised communities. The aim of our PCREF evaluation is to support Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC) in the development of transferable and sustainable learning from their ambitious implementation journey. As PCREF requires diverse representative leadership and governance, better organisational competence, and ‘real time’ patient feedback, its anti-racism stance is clear. As an endeavour towards allyship, the evaluation aims to demonstrate how implementation of PCREF facilitates the trusting relationships needed to serve those currently underserved.



Sub-theme: Patient Experiences and Service Responses

Currently Underway

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