ReQoL Implementation


Patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) collect information about changes in health linked to treatments delivered. In NHS Mental Health Trusts (MHTs) they can help understand more about service users’ mental health and to measure change.

Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) is a PROM focused on the quality of life of mental health service users. Since the launch of ReQoL in 2016, the NIHR Yorkshire and Humber ARC (and its predecessor NIHR CLAHRC YH) have supported implementation in NHS MHTs. We established a ReQoL community of practice (CoP), ran national CoP events, and developed an online visualisation tool ( )

Evidence of the impact of this work came with the recent announcement that NHS England have selected ReQoL as one of the three PROMs to be embedded in CMH services by the end of 2024. Nationally, there will be ongoing analysis of the data through the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS).



Sub-theme: Patient Experiences and Service Responses

Currently Underway

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Theme Manager

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