SoParc – Green Space Park Usage


The JU:MP programme has worked with local communities and Bradford Metropolitan District Council to design and build 12 green spaces (3 new and 9 improved spaces). The aim of the improvements is to support children and families to access green space for play and to be physically active.

This project used a tool called SOPARC in summer 2022 to assess how many people used 6 of the JU:MP spaces before changes were made, and how active they were when in the space. Audits of 6 matched ‘control’ spaces (green spaces outside of the JU:MP area, not due for development, of a similar size and serving similar populations) were also conducted. Audits will be repeated in summer ‘24, now the JU:MP spaces have been built, to assess whether there are any changes in use or how active people are whilst in the JU:MP spaces, compared to the matched control spaces.


Currently Underway

Team Contact:

Lead for Physical Activity Research

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