ToothPASTE – Empowering families of young children with autism to establish good oral health habits


Tooth decay in children is a major issue which is preventable. For children with autism, especially those with little or no verbal communication, tooth decay can lead to self-harm, impaired sleep and disrupted routines. For families of children with autism, establishing good habits such as twice daily tooth brushing and limiting sugary foods can be complex, owing to extra challenges, such as communication, altered sensitivity and rigid behaviour patterns.

This project will work with families of young children with autism and the professionals who care for them to explore the barriers and facilitators to good oral health habits and design a support package. West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership are funding work to develop this package which will help families to be confident in looking after their childs teeth by identifying what support they need, who could provide it and the best times to provide support.


Sub-theme: Oral Health



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