Youth Mental Health Evidence Synthesis Hub (Y-MHESH)


Y-MHESH is a collaboration between the Universities of York (UK) and Auckland (NZ) bringing together research evidence to answer questions about mental health that are important to young people. 

Evidence synthesis helps understand what is known, and not known from research. Y-MHESH works in partnership with children and young people to co-design and co-produce meaningful evidence syntheses that have genuine impact on mental health decision-making with, and for, children and young people.

We don’t repeat what has been done! We take an inclusive approach, making sure we involve those who are unrepresented.This means not just doing the reviews that researchers and clinicians think are important. Instead we work with young people to understand what questions are important. 

We think carefully about how these questions might be answered and, if they can’t, what new research needs to be done, and ensure this information gets to the people that need it.



Sub-theme: Youth Mental Health

Currently Underway

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Do you have a research idea or want to learn more about our work and how it could be implemented in your area?