Yorkshire and Humber ARC is an active member of the VOICES network and hosts this webpage on their behalf.
What is Voices?
Voices was formed in 2015. It brings together members of the public and health and social care professionals from across the Yorkshire and the Humber region who have an interest in public involvement in research.

Voices is supported by INVOLVE and the following organisations are members:
- Clinical Research Facility Leeds
- Clinical Research Facility Sheffield
- Clinical Research Network Yorkshire and Humber
- Devices for Dignity
- Improvement Academy
- Leeds Biomedical Research Centre
- Leeds Clinical Trials Research Unit
- Leeds In Vitro Diagnostic Co-operative
- NIHR Children and Young People MedTech Co-operative
- Research Design Service Yorkshire and the Humber
- Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre
- Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber
- Yorkshire and Humber Applied Research Collaboration
- Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Translational Research Centre
Get in touch
For more information, please contact:
Claire Marsh – Co Chair, PPI Voices YH (claire.marsh@yhia.nhs.uk)
Andrea Broadway-Parkinson – Lay Co Chair, PPI Voices YH