Evaluating the ‘Me and My Baby’ (MaM-B) parent-infant bonding tool for use in UK universal healthcare settings
Assess how acceptable, reliable and valid the parent and infant relationship MaM-B tool is
What we did
We developed an 11-item tool to measure a caregiver’s emotional bond with their baby. Responses are indicated using a four-point scale (‘never’, ‘sometimes’, ‘often’, or ‘always’). A text box gives caregivers the opportunity to record any comments or concerns they have about their relationship with their baby.
The MaM-B was co-produced with health visitors, clinical psychologists and service managers in Bradford, Doncaster and North East Lincolnshire as well as with families from the Doncaster area.
The tool was piloted in Doncaster and North-East Lincolnshire with 467 mothers during routine health visitor appointments 6–8 weeks after their baby was born.
Results so far
High completion rates suggested the MaM-B was acceptable.
MaM-B reliably measures a single construct, likely to be parent-infant affective bonding.
Following further validation and reliability assessment, the MaM-B may be useful in research, universal health settings as part of a referral pathway, and clinical practice, to identify parents and caregivers in need of additional support and interventions.
Some health visitors in Doncaster and North-East Lincolnshire have continued to use the MaM-B after the pilot ended to support conversations with families who may need more support.