Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) National Health Economics Research Showcase Event


Hosted at the University of Sheffield on the 14th March 2023 by the NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber in partnership with ARC Greater Manchester, this national event brought together over 45 delegates. The event was an opportunity for partners to learn more about the research ARC Health Economists are conducting across England and its impact in addressing specific health and social care issues.

The event showcased research projects from six regional ARCs, including:

  • understanding and addressing health inequalities;
  • economic evaluation for local decision makers;
  • frailty modelling for geriatric public health economic evaluation;
  • evaluation of environmental interventions/policies;
  • measuring and valuing outcomes in health and social care: EQ-HWB;
  • barriers and facilitator for economists leading multidisciplinary and mixed-methods research using an example of an ongoing evaluation of virtual wards.

The event received positive feedback from the attendees and discussions are being held on ‘what next’ and the potential to host a follow-on activity.

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