New research published by NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, Yorkshire Humber (YH ARC), in collaboration with Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber and Mid-Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, has revealed that improving medication...
Congratulations to Fei Lui who passed her PhD viva in January. Fei is based at the Centre for Health Economics (CHE), The University of York. Her research focused on self-funding for social...
Peter Murphy passed his PhD viva in June and is now working as a research fellow with the Global Health Team in the Centre for Health Economics (CHE) at the...
Smoke over a city. Photo by @dylu on unsplash Laura Bojke, Professor of Health Economics at the Centre for Health Economics, has been appointed as Inaugural Chair for the World Health...
As part of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Yorkshire & Humber focus on collaboration in March, we are revisiting a blog written by our Health Economics, Evaluation and Equality...
Noted by the Emerald Insight editorial team as: “one of the most exceptional pieces of work they saw throughout 2019’, our HEEE theme’s paper has been awarded for research on...
The Universities of Sheffield, York, and Leeds have joined forces with Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) from the Sheffield and York areas, and the Yorkshire and Humber Care...
We are pleased to announce that Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) Implementation Community of Practice website has undergone some changes. The website now features the ReQoL-10 online visualisation tool and...
Hosted at the University of Sheffield on the 14th March 2023 by the NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber in partnership with ARC Greater Manchester, this national event brought together over...
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