Making a difference

The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire and Humber supports people-powered research that aims to tackle inequalities and improve health and well-being for our communities.

With the help of our implementation experts in the Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Academy, we have supported the adoption and spread of evidence that emerged from our ARC, speeding up the transformation of our health and care system to support the delivery of improved outcomes for patients and our communities.

Read about how our projects and research are making a difference below.

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Use of Digital Technology in Care Homes

Aim: Evaluate the impact of a digital app in reducing unplanned emergency care for care home residents...

Do unscheduled care coordination hubs reduce avoidable ambulance journeys?

Aim: Evaluating the use of Unscheduled Care Coordination Hubs to reduce pressure in the emergency department and use of ambulance service...

Reducing transfer of care home patients to the Emergency Department

NHS 111 call handling in children and young people