Megan Smith

Improving support for people with severe mental illness to quit smoking: comparing a bottom up with a top-down quality improvement approach.

Megan is a second year PhD student at the University of Leeds, funded by NIHR Yorkshire & Humber Applied Research Collaboration. Prior to this, Megan completed an integrated master’s degree (MSci) at the University of York between 2018-2022 in Psychology, specialising in Neuroscience.

Megan Smith's latest projects

Improving support for people with severe mental illness to quit smoking: comparing a bottom up with a top-down quality improvement approach.

Tobacco smoking kills over 8 million people a year. The prevalence in people with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) is 16-56 % higher than the general population. Consequently, tobacco related conditions...

Other Team members

Rebecca Lawton

Theme Lead

Andria Hanbury

Theme Manager

Lynn McVey

Senior Research Fellow