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Be Well Work Well: A longitudinal cohort study to understand and improve health and social care staff wellbeing and retention

There is a workforce crisis in health and social care in the UK, with rising levels of anxiety, exhaustion, stress and burnout among staff: NHS staff are, for example, 50%...

Improvement Science input into: Developing a school-based intervention to improve asthma management in children and young people in Bradford: asthma control in educational settings.

This project was funded by the Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Translational Research Centre and is led by a GP respiratory lead, with support from the Improvement Science theme. Children...

Volatile biomarker positioning of nasogastric tubes to enhance patient safety (acronym: NG-Sure)

Naso-gastric (NG) tubes (a tube passed down a person’s nostril into the oesophagus then stomach) provide feeds/medicines to patients if they cannot swallow/take fluids by mouth, or need intensive care/surgery....

Managing uncertainty in the emergency department

This Yorkshire and Humber ARC study investigated whether emergency doctors’ ability to tolerate uncertainty (UT) affects patient outcomes and healthcare resource use. The researchers examined data from 39 emergency doctors...

Improving support for people with severe mental illness to quit smoking: comparing a bottom up with a top-down quality improvement approach.

Tobacco smoking kills over 8 million people a year. The prevalence in people with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) is 16-56 % higher than the general population. Consequently, tobacco related conditions...

An evaluation of quality improvement collaboratives aligned to a national audit to improve the uptake of insulin pumps for people with diabetes

This ongoing research within the Yorkshire and Humber ARC aims to increase the use of insulin pumps for people with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes, as per NICE guidance. Many...

Translating complex interventions for older people into routine service delivery

This Yorkshire and Humber ARC PhD aims to facilitate the translation of complex interventions into routine care for older people, by tackling key issues in their design and implementation. The...

Moving from theory to practice: Operationalising Resilient Health Care to improve patient safety (THIS Institute funded fellowship)

Attempts to improve patient safety typically focus on identifying and reducing the causes of error and harm, to limited success, often because patient safety theories have been poorly applied. ‘Resilient...

De-implementation of low value practices: A patient perspective (Improvement Science PhD, Qandeel Shah)

Overuse of unnecessary or harmful care is a worldwide problem and it is estimated that 30% of care provided has little or no benefit to the patient. Although progress has...

Lowering AntiMicrobial Prescribing (LAMP) Campaign

Tackling antibiotic resistance is a major global health challenge. Overusing antibiotics in healthcare leads to drug resistance, meaning these vital medicines stop working. Most antibiotics are prescribed in primary care...

The dark side of standardisation: when is it safer to ‘work around’ a protocol?

Healthcare staff adapt to challenges faced when delivering healthcare using workarounds. Sometimes, safety standards, the very thing used to routinely mitigate risk in healthcare, are the obstacles which staff choose...

Healthcare staff involvement with applied health research: what are the benefits? ARC National Implementation/Improvement Science Themes’ Network

The benefits for health and social care organisations and for researchers of involving patients and staff in research are well established. The benefits for health and social care staff –...