ATHLETE: Advancing Tools for Human Early Life course Exposome Research and Translation


We are exposed to multiple things in our daily lives which can impact on our health, from air pollution and green spaces, to chemicals used to personal care products and food containers. ATHLETE (Advancing Tools for Human Early LifeCourse Exposome Research and Translation), is an EU consortium studying the impact of these exposures on health across 15 cohorts and 80,000 mother-child pairs.

The study will add novel data to the EU Child Cohort Network, co-produce interventions with primary school-aged children to reduce urban exposures, identify effective and prioritized interventions to improve urban and chemical exposures, and examine what may be barriers and enablers to their implementation at an individual and at policy- and decision-making level in order to facilitate the translation of evidence to policy recommendations and prevention strategies.


Sub-theme: Healthy Places

Currently Underway

Team Contact:

Principal Research Fellow

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