Developing and evaluating Early Years policies and programs for supporting prematurely born children’s school readiness, health and wellbeing


This study is investigating outcomes related to the education and cognition of children born late preterm (34 to 36 weeks gestation). The effects of being born at this gestation are less understood than those for children born at earlier gestations and greater research in this area is needed to remedy this.

Born in Bradford (BiB) is an internationally-recognised research programme which aims to find out what keeps families healthy and happy by tracking the lives of over 40,000 Bradfordians. This research uses Born in Bradford Cohort data and is investigating the educational academic achievement of children born late preterm compared to full term births, taking into account background characteristics such as sex of the child, ethnicity and socio-economic background.


Sub-theme: Healthy Learning, Healthy Schools

Currently Underway

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Developing and evaluating Early Years policies and programs for supporting prematurely born children's school readiness, health and wellbeing


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