Moving from theory to practice: Operationalising Resilient Health Care to improve patient safety (THIS Institute funded fellowship)


Attempts to improve patient safety typically focus on identifying and reducing the causes of error and harm, to limited success, often because patient safety theories have been poorly applied.

‘Resilient Health Care’ (RHC) theory is a new approach, recognising that things typically go right and so seeks to support performance within an acceptable boundary. Little is known about how RHC theory can be translated into practice.

This Yorkshire and Humber ARC project explores how RHC theory can be embedded within the tools and approaches used to improve patient safety. By ensuring it is not ‘lost in translation’ we will increase the future chances of it successfully improving patient safety.

This THIS Institute funded fellowship will produce guidance that:

  • defines the principles of safety improvement via RHC,
  • illustrates how these can be operationalised,
  • addresses complexities of applying RHC.


Currently Underway

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