The Closing the Gap: Health and Wellbeing Cohort


The Closing the Gap (CtG) Health and Wellbeing (HWB) Cohort is a large (n = 10 176) clinical cohort, recruited between April 2016 and March 2020, consisting of participants who have a documented diagnosis of severe mental illness (SMI).

During this period, studies were able to access research-ready individuals making it easier for clinicians and researchers to conduct research on the health inequalities associated with SMI, with the aim of closing the mortality and morbidity gap. The CtG Network fostered high impact research to be conducted with a hard-to-reach group which improved understanding about why people with SMI have some of the worst physical health issues of any section of the population. Research studies were able to explore health-related behaviours through self-administered questionnaires from participants in the HWB cohort survey.



Sub-theme: Living with Severe Mental Ill Health and Physical Multimorbidity

Currently Underway

Team Contact:

Theme Co-Lead

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