Simon Gilbody

Theme Co-Lead

Simon Gilbody is Professor of Psychological Medicine and Health Services Research at the University of York. He is Director of the Mental Health and Addictions Research Group (MHARG) and an honorary consultant psychiatrist at Tees and Wear Valleys (TEWV) NHS Foundation Trust.
Taking a population approach to mental health, Simon conducts large epidemiological studies and clinical trials (and reviews of trials) to promote effective, efficient and equitable NHS mental health services. Simon researches in primary care, and at the interface between mental and physical health.

Simon Gilbody's latest projects

Syndemics and severe mental ill health

The project investigates a potential Syndemic framework of modifiable health behaviours and their role in health experience for people diagnosed with a severe mental illness ((SMI) depression, bipolar disorder, or...

Age of Wonder Adolescent Mental Health Collaboratory: what works to protect adolescent mental health?

The Adolescent Mental Health Collaboratory aims to build an efficient platform for the evaluation of interventions to prevent mental ill-health, using the Age of Wonder cohort and the wider Born...

The Closing the Gap: Health and Wellbeing Cohort

The Closing the Gap (CtG) Health and Wellbeing (HWB) Cohort is a large (n = 10 176) clinical cohort, recruited between April 2016 and March 2020, consisting of participants who...

Simon Gilbody's latest publications

Use of the Internet and digital devices among people with severe mental ill health during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions

Other Team members

Ruth Wadman

Research Fellow

Olivia Taylor

Research Associate

Trish Darcy

Research Associate