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Your Teeth, You Are in Control: A Process Evaluation ofthe Implementation of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention for Reducing Child Dental Anxiety

Childhood exposure to non-persistent endocrine disruptors, glucocorticosteroids, and attentional function: A cross-sectional study based on the parametric g-formula

Overcoming doubt: developing CDoH Essentials, a practical tool to introduce the commercial determinants of health

A national survey of supervised toothbrushing programmes in England

Dental caries and school readiness in 5-year-olds: A birth cohort data linkage study

The association between adverse childhood experiences and mental health, behaviour, and educational performance in adolescence: A systematic scoping review

Promoting Positive Adolescent Mental Health (PPAMH!) for School Climate: protocol for a feasibility randomised control trial in secondary schools

Integrating Multi-Omics with environmental data for precision health: A novel analytic framework and case study on prenatal mercury induced childhood fatty liver disease

Rapid review: Ten ways to improve support for minoritised informal adult carers at local government policy level to redress inequality

Unlocking the forest: An ethnographic evaluation of Forest Schools on developmental outcomes for 3-year-olds unaccustomed to woodland spaces

Short communication: Five ways UK European Capitals and cities of culture have connected cultural activities with nature and their impacts on health and wellbeing, wider determinants of health and inequality

Common genetic variants associated with urinary phthalate levels in children: A genome-wide study