
Addictions Projects

CoACH: ARBD – Collaborative Alcohol Care in Hull: Alcohol-Related Brain Damage

CoACH: ARBD explores alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) among hospital inpatients by assessing its prevalence and identifying care gaps. ARBD, a cognitive impairment linked to chronic, heavy alcohol consumption, is often...

ProACTIVE – Programme of research for Alcohol Care Teams: Impact, Value and Effectiveness

We’re part of a programme of research examining the clinical and cost effectiveness of Alcohol Care Teams to inform the future commissioning of services. Alcohol-related hospital admissions continue to rise,...

CoACH – Collaborative Alcohol Care in Hull

A small group of service users with alcohol dependence and co-occurring mental health and physical health problems disproportionately account for the greatest use of acute hospital admissions and emergency department...

Making a Difference: Our Latest Addictions case studies

Meet the Addictions Team