Andy is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research, University of Leeds, and is an Honorary Consultant Geriatrician at Bradford Teaching Hospitals, with research interests in frailty, delirium and dementia. Andy is chief investigator for an NIHR Programme Grant to evaluate personalised care planning for older people with frailty; the NIHR HTA-funded Home-based Extended Rehabilitation for Older People (HERO) trial, and for the Community Ageing Research 75+ (CARE 75+) multi-site cohort study. Andy led the development, validation and implementation of NICE recommended electronic Frailty Index (eFI) using data from around 1million UK patients (ResearchOne and THIN primary care research databases), which resulted in major impact on NHS policy.
Currently, the UK and international guidelines support routine identification of frailty in primary care to enable timely and targeted care for older people. Our Older people with Frailty theme lead,...
The Community Ageing Research (CARE75+) Study is a longitudinal cohort study that recruits older people (≥ 75 years) via General Practices across England. The study is hosted at Bradford Teaching...
The NHS needs to improve support for GPs to optimise the medications prescribed to frail older people to avoid harmful effects. This project focuses on anticholinergic medications (ACs) used to...
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