Lizzie Taylor Buck

Theme Manager

Lizzie is a clinical academic working in an NHS Perinatal Mental Health Service and in The University of Sheffield Mental Health Research Unit. In 2009 she received funding from the NIHR for a Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship, and on completion of that she joined the team developing a new patient reported outcome measure called ReQoL. Between 2016 and 2023 she led on ReQoL implementation nationally and established the ReQoL Community of Practice. She is currently one of the theme managers for the Yorkshire and Humber ARC (Applied Research Collaboration) Mental and Physical Multimorbidity theme (MPM). She also leads the Social Prescribing theme within the MPM.

Lizzie Taylor Buck's latest projects

ReQoL Implementation

Patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) collect information about changes in health linked to treatments delivered. In NHS Mental Health Trusts (MHTs) they can help understand more about service users’ mental health...

Lizzie Taylor Buck's latest publications

The delivery of creative socially prescribed activities for people with serious mental health needs during lockdown: Learning about remote, digital and hybrid delivery

Use of a modified World Café process to discuss and set priorities for a Community of Practice supporting implementation of ReQoL a new mental health and quality of life Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM)

Other Team members

Peter Coventry

Professor of Environment and Mental Health

Laura Tucker

Research Associate

James Tait

Research Associate