Fei Liu

Economic implications of social care funding

Fei is a PhD student in Economics affiliated with the Team for Economic Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (TEEHTA) based at the Centre for Health Economics (CHE). Her research focuses on self-funding for social care and informal care provision and its impact on the social distribution of health, supervised by Professor Laura Bojke and Dr Matthew Franklin (The University of Sheffield). Prior to joining CHE, she has research experience in care needs evaluation and service provision for ageing population.
Fei holds two Bachelor’s degrees in Medicine and Economics from Peking University, an MPhil in Public Health from The University of Hong Kong and an MSc in Health Economics from University of York.
Fei’s PhD research links with the Older People with Frailty theme

Fei Liu's latest projects

Predicting social care utilisation, needs and unmet needs for older adults living in the community

People usually keep using social care from the onset of the disabilities or chronic conditions for their remaining lifetime. Improved understanding of the factors that determine social care needs and...

Other Team members

Laura Bojke

Theme Co-Lead

Tracey Young

Theme Co-Lead

Catherine Oakley

Theme Administrator