ADAPT – Trauma focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in CAMHS – implementation expertise


The ADaPT study’s first phase worked with 28 mental health teams across 14 regions in England to understand the challenges and facilitators in delivering trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to young people in care.

Through training and follow-ups over 12-18 months, the project identified key factors affecting treatment delivery, including commissioning processes, service pathways, team structures, and the complexity of addressing mental health in this population.

The project has produced detailed guidance on delivering NICE-recommended treatments like trauma-focused CBT, with implications for other CBT-based interventions and mental health screening in young people in care. Findings will be disseminated through academic publications, workshops, webinars, and events for service commissioners.

In the next phase (2024-2025), ADaPT will collaborate with diverse services to optimize the delivery of cognitive therapy for PTSD to young people in care. This involves integrating social care and mental health services to improve access to evidence-based treatments.


Currently Underway

Team Contact:

Implementation Specialist


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