Local Climate Change Scoping Project


Evidence is needed to support local action to reduce the adverse health impacts of climate change and maximise the health benefits of climate action. We conducted a project to identify which research is needed by English local authorities.

We reviewed UK policy documents and surveyed public and policy stakeholders. We then conducted rapid reviews to identify any evidence relating to the priorities from the survey.

The results of the two stages of evidence gathering showed that two broad areas are important to address: (i) community engagement in local-level action on the health impacts of climate change (ii) the budget implications of such action. Across both areas, there is a need for evidence across a range of income groups, for example policies to increase electric charge points may discriminate against certain residents who do not have access to such facilities.

This research was funded by the NIHR Public Health Research Programme and is intended to help determine research priorities in this area.



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Theme Co-Lead

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