Enhancing Social-Emotional Outcomes in Early Years (E-SEE): Randomized Pilot Study of Incredible Years Infant and Toddler Programs

References: Blower, S.L., Berry, V.L., Bursnall, M.C. et al. Enhancing Social-Emotional Outcomes in Early Years (E-SEE): Randomized Pilot Study of Incredible Years Infant and Toddler Programs. J Child Fam Stud 30, 1933–1949 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-01991-7



Sarah Blower, Vashti Berry, Matthew Bursnall, Judith Cohen, Nicole Gridley, Amanda Loban, Laura Mandefield, Amanda Mason-Jones, Sinead McGilloway, Kirsty McKendrick, Siobhan Mitchell, Kate Pickett, Gerry Richardson, M Dawn Teare, Louise Tracey, Simon Walker, Karen Whittaker, Jessica Wright, Tracey Bywater.

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