Interventions to Reduce Exposure to Synthetic Phenols and Phthalates from Dietary Intake and Personal Care Products: a Scoping Review

References: Yang, T.C., Jovanovic, N., Chong, F. et al. Interventions to Reduce Exposure to Synthetic Phenols and Phthalates from Dietary Intake and Personal Care Products: a Scoping Review. Curr Envir Health Rpt (2023).



Tiffany C. Yang, Nicolas Jovanovic, Felisha Chong, Meegan Worcester, Amrit K. Sakhi, Cathrine Thomsen, Ronan Garlantézec, Cécile Chevrier, Génon Jensen, Natacha Cingotti, Maribel Casas, Rosemary RC McEachan, Martine Vrijheid & Claire Philippat

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