Dacheng Huo

Research Fellow

Dacheng Huo is a member of the YH ARC Health Economics, Evaluation and Equality (HEEE) Theme and Research Fellow in the Centre of Health Economics at the University of York.
“I’m a Research Fellow in the Team for Economic Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (TEEHTA). I joined the Centre for Health Economics in February 2022. Previously, I worked at the China National Health Development Research Centre and also the International Research Centre for Medical Administration of Peking University as a research assistant.
I hold an MSc in Health Economics from the University of York, an MSc from London School of Economics and a Bachelor degree in Business and Economics from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China”.

Other Team members

Tracey Young

Theme Co-Lead

Laura Bojke

Theme Co-Lead

Sarah Fewkes

Theme Administrator