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Is Economic Evaluation and Care Commissioning Focused on Achieving the Same Outcomes? Resource-Allocation Considerations and Challenges Using England as a Case Study

Improving the relevance and suitability of cost-effectiveness analyses to inform local commissioning decisions, a worked case-study of cardiac rehabilitation in England

Mapping functions for the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 to generate EQ-5D-3L for economic evaluation

Methods of assessing value for money of UK-based early childhood public health interventions: A systematic literature review

Economic Evaluation of Community-based Falls Prevention Interventions: a Systematic Methodological Overview of Systematic Reviews

Cost-effectiveness of the ESEE intervention

Delayed transfers of care, is it a case of the wrong dog barking up the wrong tree?

A think aloud content validation of the EQ-5D-5L, SF-12v2, WEMWBS and ONS-4 in measuring the quality of life of older adults

Enabling QALY estimation in mental health trials and care settings: mapping from the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 to the ReQoL-UI or EQ-5D-5L using mixture model

Economic model of community-based falls prevention: seeking methodological solutions in evaluating the efficiency and equity of UK guideline recommendations

Achieving Cardiac Rehabilitation uptake targets: what is the value case for commissioners? A UK case-study  

Sharing real-world data for public benefit: a qualitative exploration of stakeholder views and perceptions.