Child of the North/Centre for Young Lives report warns thousands of vulnerable children at risk of criminal exploitation and urges Government to roll out Young Futures in disadvantaged areas

A new report published on Friday November 29th by Child of the North and Anne Longfield’s Centre for Young Lives think tank puts forward an evidence-based plan to provide targeted action to divert vulnerable young people away from criminal exploitation and harm by focusing on keeping children in school, rolling out mental health hubs in […]
Child of the North/Centre for Young Lives calls for new era of school inclusion and belonging as attendance crisis report warns children in the North of England and children with SEN are more likely to be persistently missing school

A new report published today by Child of the North and Anne Longfield’s Centre for Young Lives think tank puts forward new recommendations to tackle the school absence crisis. The report, co-authored by NIHR ARC Yorkshire & Humber researchers, highlights how vulnerable children and children from disadvantaged areas of the UK (such as the North […]
Ignore ‘Nanny State’ critics and expand sugar taxes, ban sale of energy drinks to under 16s, and roll out national supervised toothbrushing programmes in schools to tackle the crisis of tooth decay affecting millions of children – Child of the North/Centre for Young Lives report

A new report published today by Child of the North and Anne Longfield’s Centre for Young Lives think tank, “An evidence-based plan for improving children’s oral health with and through educational settings”, makes a series of new proposals to tackle the children’s oral health crisis in England which is seeing millions of children suffering from […]
New Report – Public Services Committee Emergency healthcare: a national emergency
Our Urgent and Emergency Care Theme Lead Prof Sue Mason and Theme Clinical Fellow Jamie Miles, both gave evidence for the recently published report of the inquiry by the House of Lords Public Services Committee into emergency care, entitled ‘Emergency Healthcare: a national emergency.’ Prof Sue Mason was a Specialist Advisor to the House of […]
New Report: Evaluation of the Health Education England (HEE) South West Pilot of Supported Training for Emergency Care Advanced Clinical Practitioners
Our Urgent and Emergency Care theme and the Centre for Urgent and Emergency Care Research have carried out a final report on Evaluating a Pilot of Enhanced Training for Emergency Care Advanced Care Practitioners (EC-ACPs) in partnership with Health Education England South West. Enhanced training support for EC-ACPs shows potential for improved training outcomes. Further […]
New report and podcast: Re-envisioning urgent and emergency care
Professor Suzanne Mason, Lead for our Urgent and Emergency Care theme in NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber, has led the production of a new report for the NHS Confederation. The report was produced following a number of interviews with key stakeholders. It outlines the current challenges faced by the emergency care system and suggests some […]
New report: The Proceedings of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) Research Conference in Sheffield 2021, which was hosted by our Health Economics, Evaluation and Equality theme have now been published by the Quality of Life Research journal.
Beyond demoralisation’ – Listening & responding to NHS frontline staff at a time of intense pressure is everyone’s business
Our Implementation arm, the Improvement Academy, have published the a new report that details NHS staff experiences of working under prolonged intense pressure, alongside four offers of support designed to respond to immediate need and learn new ways to help.