We are delighted to announce that Charlotte Cotterill and Katie Zwerger have both successfully passed their PhD vivas, marking significant achievements in their academic careers. Both researchers have now joined...
The advanced practitioner role is an innovative workforce solution implemented in the UK and internationally to address healthcare demand and capacity challenges, including in emergency care. In the UK, advanced...
Falls are common in older adults and can devastate personal independence through injury such as fracture and fear of future falls. Methods to identify people for falls prevention interventions are...
With millions of unscheduled patient contacts every year and increasing call outs clustered around the most deprived communities, it is clear the ambulance sector could have a role to play...
Our Urgent and Emergency Care Theme Lead Prof Sue Mason and Theme Clinical Fellow Jamie Miles, both gave evidence for the recently published report of the inquiry by the House...
Professor Suzanne Mason, Lead for our Urgent and Emergency Care theme in NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber, has led the production of a new report for the NHS Confederation. The...
Our Urgent and Emergency Care Theme completed a synthesis of existing qualitative reviews to explore how decisions to transfer residents from care homes to the Emergency Department are made. The...
The NHS 111 telephone advice and triage service is a vital part of the management of urgent and emergency care (UEC) services in England. Demand for NHS 111 advice has...
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