Peter Murphy

Methods of economic evaluation with a focus on public health decision-making in the early years

Peter Murphy is a PhD student affiliated with the Team for Economic Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment based at the Centre for Health Economics (CHE), University of York. The focus of his PhD research is on methods of economic evaluation with a focus on public health decision-making in the early years.
Prior to joining CHE, Peter worked as a health economics research fellow at the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, conducting technology appraisals for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Peter completed an MSc in Health Economics at the University of York in 2018, graduating with distinction.
Peter’s PhD research links with the Early Life and Prevention theme.

Peter Murphy's latest projects

Evaluating childhood public health interventions: An exploration of the evidence and methods

Public health interventions for children (cPHI) aim to improve trajectories throughout a child’s life. Although the benefits may be felt sometime after the intervention, they can be broad and include...

Peter Murphy's latest publications

Methods of assessing value for money of UK-based early childhood public health interventions: A systematic literature review

Other Team members

Tracey Young

Theme Co-Lead

Laura Bojke

Theme Co-Lead

Sarah Fewkes

Theme Administrator