Health Economics

Our work focuses on the efficient use of limited resources and maximisation of outcomes for patients. We conduct research to improve efficiency and equity in the use of public resources by providing high quality, relevant, flexible, and accessible research capacity in health economics, evaluation and advise on health inequalities issues.

We lead the way in health economics research and are internationally renowned for our ability to aid decision makers in making health care policy decisions at a national and international level. Professor Tracey Young and Professor Laura Bojke co-lead our theme and team. We build upon a strong research collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield and York, working with local decision makers and through cross-theme working with the four core YHARC themes.

Health Economics Projects

The cost-effectiveness of improving adherence for asthma treatment evaluation of the YHAHSN Straight Talking asthma project (collaborating with Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber)

This study aims to explore the cost-effectiveness of interventions improving asthma treatment adherence, with a specific focus on the role of socioeconomic inequality. The developed model will seek to support...

Evaluation of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) Mental Health Response Vehicles

In this research project, co-funded by YAS, we will use routine data to explore the impact of the MHRVs on attendances for mental health emergencies at hospitals in the area....

Economic evaluation of nature-based interventions for mental and physical health

This study investigated the potential cost-effectiveness of ecotherapy, a nature-based intervention increasingly used for common mental health issues. Despite its popularity, there’s a scarcity of data regarding its costs and...

Making a Difference: Our Latest Health Economics case studies

Meet the Health Economics Team

Catherine Oakley

Theme Administrator

Tracey Young

Theme Co-Lead

Laura Bojke

Theme Co-Lead

Our latest Health Economics publications

Cost-effectiveness decision modelling in social care: exploring the why, the how, and the what next

Modelling the case for cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve medication adherence in patients with difficult to control asthma

Improving the relevance and suitability of cost-effectiveness analyses to inform local commissioning decisions, a worked case-study of cardiac rehabilitation in England